輿圖計畫- SLY x AIR Taipei藝術家座談會《家》
SLY x AIR Taipei Artist Talk - Family
●時間 Date:2014/09/13 15:00-17:30
●地點 Venue:台北國際藝術村 幽竹廳 Taipei Artist Village Bamboo Room
●與會者:新樂園藝術家SLY art space Artist:張雅萍、田名璋
TAV駐村藝術家 AIR Taipei Artist:Ai Sugiura、Terry O’Reilly
「輿圖計畫」 SLY x
AIR Taipei 藝術創作國際交流主題論壇,今年度共有4場,於三、六、九、十二月份,分別以創作中常見的「社會關懷」、「城市地景」、「家」、「身體」等議題為主軸,透過彼此間的交流,激盪出更多關於藝術創作、實踐與理念上的火花,並邀請專業藝評人士與會,深入探討不同藝術形式之間的差異與類同,同時分享跨界交流上的個人經驗,也加強藝術家之間的聯繫,以及藝術家與民眾間的對話。 過去我們對家的定義,從個人延伸至家族整體上的概念。個體在這之中不是最重要的成份,而是整個家族的定位成了一個很重要的依據,這樣的強制性在傳統的文化裡不會有本我的存在。從過去以有血緣關係作為一個家庭的基礎,而連帶產生的思考與對話,到今日對家的想像包含非血緣關係所構成的家庭。我們開始思考「家」其意義究竟是各司其職的角色扮演,還是真心相融互助的關係,而非單純血緣上的認定。 The
definition for “family” has extended
from the concept of an individual to that of a whole household. Individuals are
not the most important components here. Instead, they serve as a rather
important basis for positions in the household. The self does not exist in this
enforcement of traditional culture. In the past, blood relations constituted
the basis for a family. Today, the definition of a family can include people
who are not related by blood. We have started to reexamine the meaning of the
word, “family”. Is it comprised
of the roles of each member? Or is it formed by sincere levels of integration
and mutual assistance, rather than just blood?
台北國際藝術村 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/arttav
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